Saturday, June 24, 2006

Notes on Ontology Tools

While reading about ontology tools[2], I found a tool (Hozo) that supports "roles" explicitly (see #17 of the original Existential Programming epiphanies, and a role case study). Hozo separates "role concepts" from "basic concepts"; however, the tool allows each role attribute to be mapped to a basic concept attribute. I see that an existential programing language should allow "roles" to "inherit" from its "roleholder" ala subclass inheritance without actually being a subclass. [Hmmm... in an existential programming language, where all "classes" were effectively mixins anyway, how would roles be different?]

(click to enlarge)

From[3], seeing CYC's concepts of #$is-a versus #$genls reminds me of a discussion I had back in 2002 with the Protege 2000 folks at Stanford who produced a Wine ontology, where I wanted to have no distinction between classes and instances because I wanted a hierarchy like wine->reds->shiraz->Rosemont->vintage94->bottle#123. I.E. something considered a leaf on the tree might later be a node with children itself. Protege would only allow variables to take on values that were "instances" and I wanted to put "chardonnay" (a subclass) as the value of a "wine variety" property. SO, is there no difference between classes and object, or should the "value" of an attribute be able to contain a "class" reference??

From[4], seeing the Semantic Web's layer cake, I see that my ideas about recording "says who?" and "how reliable are you?" seem similar to the "trust layer". [Ed. note 11-23-07: like maybe you read this stuff years ago and it was the subliminal seed of this "says who" epiphany?]

[1] Tutorial on Ontological Engineering: Part 2: Ontology Development, Tools and Languages, Riichiro Mizoguchi, 2004

[*** Get the PDF here ***]
[2] ibid, Page 14, Fig. 2.
[3] ibid, Page 15, Section 3.1
[4] ibid, Page 23

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