Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Object Orientation's Ontological Assumptions

Once one realizes that Object Oriented Programming is isomorphic with Semantic Networks[1][2], and one is cognizant of the meta-data it takes to represent imperfect data from a variety of sources (e.g. data mining the WWW), it becomes clear that OOP makes several large assumptions when modeling the world. These assumptions lie at the root of many problems mapping OO models to relational E/R data models.

The Class hierarchy defined in an OO program represents a model of entities, their attributes, and their relationships with other entities; i.e. an Ontology. Unlike modern semantic network approaches, where it is clear that a multiplicity of ontologies must be recognized and mediated between, OO Classes implicitly assume that they are "the only model", "the correct model", "the universal model". Some assumptions of OO, as normally practiced, are...
  • Only a single ontology is supported. OOP needs a way of mixing Class hierarchies where each is a different perspective on the same "thing(s)".
  • No model exists for describing the author of the ontology. It is potentially implied by its [Java] package name (when that concept applies), but as far as other attributes of the author, there is no way to represent the "reliability" of the author, or of this particular model, or of a particular set of data values associated with this model.
  • No model of whether particular values of Object attributes are "true", "up to date", "not vague", "not fuzzy" (i.e. clusters of possible points with probabilities for each point).
  • No concept of object instances overlapping; each object either exists or not; objects don't "partially overlap" each other; objects exist in a single place in a single "copy". In other words, OOP doesn't distinguish between "a thing" and some number of (potentially imprecise) "representations" of that thing.
  • The Class hierarchy is assumed to be the only way to classify/divide the world into "things" (anyway, at least the "things" that those classes model).
  • An instance of Class X is assumed to be a member of the set of all Xs in the world. I.E. OOP doesn't have a way to say, I've created an object instance, but whether it is a member of the class of all X is not tied to whether it was created as an instance of Class X at birth. OOP doesn't support an agnostic attitude towards class/type membership. In still other words, Essence precedes Existence!
  • The values of all entity attributes (aka an object instance) are assumed to be available in a single contiguous location. I.E. OOP can't normally handle attribute values being spread all over creation (as would be the case for data mined about someone via web page searches). OOP can't normally handle taking widely different amounts of time to retrieve different attributes (as would be the case in data mining operations).

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